Being a Storyteller

Authors are creative beings. Sometimes we are strange and do things differently. Like the way we view the world through the eyes of curiosity.  Most of us are empaths and work alone and seem to surround ourselves with creative empathic souls. 

How we work or live our lives is really no different then anyone else trying to make a living. 

Working 9to5 is not my cup of tea. Also most creative artists turn their nose up to a daily grind of an 9to5 schedule. Instead we maneuver through disciplined enjoyment. It's nothing to sit down for hours and write.

Becoming a storyteller is a fulltime enjoyable job. I experience different projects that call for some research then I add my twist of fantasy. I am always exploring and putting together puzzle pieces to create an epic story for others to enjoy.

Being an author is so much more then writing a book. It takes tons of passion and believing in your work. You must be willing to market yourself and eat and breath your work with excitement. You must develop thick skin and realize not everyone is going to like you work. Never allowing your work to ever feel like a burden or regret.

For me this is the best job in the world. I work strange hours, sometimes jumping out of bed in the middle of night with a idea and end up typing until morning time. I spend time alone and enjoy it.   

Seeing my work in print amazes me everytime. I receive a feeling of pride and accomplishment knowing my writing and published work has become my legacy and hearing feedback is my teachable lessons. 

So if you can relate and feel a little out of the ordinary, and do alot of daydreaming. You just might have a story brewing inside awaiting for you to share it with the world.  😊




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